November 2015 Newsletter

It’s been a busy fall for Hearts for Kenya!

Since receiving the grant money from the Sisters of Charity of Nazareth in September, Hearts for Kenya has been very busy preparing our seed corn project and new farm store. Here’s what we’ve accomplished:

Seed corn project:

  • Dug a well for good, consistent water
  • Fenced the field
  • Prepared the 1.5 acres and planted the seed, which has now germinated
  • Built a pump house and installed the pump
  • Installed a 10,000-liter tank to store irrigation water
  • Installed irrigation pipe and sprinkler heads

Farm store project:

  • Built shelving for the inventory
  • Painted and cleaned the building
  • Bought seed, fertilizer and small hand tools

We are looking forward to seeing how these projects help our farmers in the future.
Since they’ll be able to buy their seed, fertilizer and small hand tools at a lower cost, they’ll be able to increase profits from their crops and better support their families.

Looking ahead

Our goals for the end of the year are to complete the water system for the Mary Ballard Medical Clinic (to ensure adequate water during the dry seasons) and to put a new roof on the remaining five rooms at Amani (to prevent any future water damage to the rooms).

We’re also looking for four laptop computers. These computers will be used for recordkeeping at the farm store, seed corn field, medical clinic and Amani. We will refurbish any donated laptops and install the necessary software.

We are just $7,000 shy of our goal to complete the farm store inventory, install the water system for the clinic and put the new roof on Amani. As you plan your year-end giving, please consider Hearts for Kenya.

Give the gift of appreciated stock

A great way to gift yourself and Hearts for Kenya is to donate appreciated stock within the taxable year. You have the joy of a gift to a worthy project as well as avoiding the capital gains tax, and Hearts for Kenya receives the value as a gift for its ongoing work in Oyugis, Kenya.

For further information, please contact Nancy Gary at 502-896-9070 or Nancy will make the process easy and efficient.

Tax ID: 61-1314253

Just Creations Fundraiser on Nov. 20th

Please join us for our second annual fundraising event at Just Creations on Friday, November 20th from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. A portion of the evening’s sales will benefit Hearts for Kenya
Just Creations is located at 2722 Frankfort Avenue. The store is a not-for-profit organization that provides marketing assistance to low-income craftspeople in the developing world. Their sale of handcrafted items helps to provide a fair wage for the artisans and enables them to pay for food, education, health care and housing.

Please plan to come and bring a friend!
Thank you for your continued support! Your gifts are truly changing the lives of the people of Oyugis, Kenya.

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